Monthly Membership Subscription
Hello and Welcome! I'm so glad you are here!
What you'll get when you join this community:
- FREE access to 911 For Empaths Online Course
- FREE Journey Into Grace Audiobook
- Monthly 'Super Sunday Sesh With Sarah' - Group check in and individual energy healings/clearings
- 2-3 Guest Host Workshops per month from well-known instructors with topics ranging from: energy healing & holistic protocols, trauma recovery, astrology, 'finding your purpose', 'how to tell your intuition from your brain', 'meeting and working with your guides', 'dealing with overwhelm', shadow integration, yoga and breath work techniques, Human Design and much more...
- Weekly Instructional Videos (for empaths/sensitives) + Video Library
- Online Forum - Community hub where you can ask questions, request help/support, post uplifting content and chat with others who understand you
- $23/month
- Cancel Any Time
The antidote to instability is support. This community was created to cut through spiritual fluff and get to the root of your issues so that you can FINALLY feel better!
Are you ready?
If you are lost, overwhelmed and overstimulated by life, you belong here.
If you are recovering from a turbulent past, you belong here.
If you are energetically sensitive/empathic and need help with your gifts, you belong here.
If you have been to every doctor and are still not healed, you belong here.
If you are on a healing/awakening journey, you belong here.
If you don't resonate with spiritual fluff, you belong here.
Connect and grow with others who have struggled with similar issues to yours. Healing happens together - especially when you find others who understand what it's like to be energetically sensitive and/or a trauma survivor in today's crazy culture.
As a Community Member, You Will Receive...
- A cure to your loneliness through friendship/acceptance/support
- Answers to your health, energetic and spiritual questions
- Laughter/fun (remember those?!)
- Energy healing/clearing/activation
- Guidance for your life path
Sign Up Today
“I struggled for years on my own. Now that I have community I finally feel supported. We are so much stronger together!”
-Liz C.

Free Downloadable Guide
Intuitive Healing Solutions For Energetic & Spiritual Awareness